School Uniform

The school uniform is a discipline in itself and should be worn compulsorily by all the students. All students are expected to wear the specified uniform. Parents are expected to ensure that their wards wear clean and properly ironed uniform. Shoes should be clean and well-polished.


Blue check shirt, Grey shorts, black socks and black shoes. Sports uniform: Polo T-shirt with school Logo and Blue full pant with red stripe and sports shoes.
Blue check frock, black sock and black shoes. Sports uniform: Polo T-shirt with school Logo and Blue full pant with red stripe and sports shoes. Red jacket with blue stripe and school logo.


Blue Check shirt, Grey long pant, and tie, dark black socks black shoes. Sports uniform: Polo T-shirt of house colour with House Logo and Blue full pant with white strip and sports shoes. Dark blue jacket with light blue stripe and school logo.
Blue Check shirt, Grey Pinafore one inch below the knee, dark black socks black shoes. Sports uniform: Polo T shirt with House Logo and Blue full pant with white stripe and sports shoes. Dark blue jacket with light blue stripe and school logo..


Blue Check shirt, Grey long pant, and tie, black socks and black shoes. Dark blue blazer with school logo. Sports uniform: Polo T-shirt of house colour with House Logo and Blue full pant with white stripe and sports shoes. Dark blue jacket with light blue stripe and school logo.
Blue shirt, Grey Skirt pleated upto knee length, black socks and black shoes. Dark blue blazer with school logo. Sports uniform: Polo T -shirt with House Logo and Blue full pant with white stripe and sports shoes. Dark blue jacket with light blue stripe and school logo.

Students need to take care of following things

For Girls
For Boys
Hair: Hair should be tied neatly with black hair bands.

Girls should plait their hair if it is below the shoulders.

Hair above shoulder should be neatly pinned and tied.

Head band is must if hair is not long enough to be tied. Hair should not fall in front while writing.

Hair: Hair should be kept short. No gel or cream should be worn at any time.
Jewellery: Long earrings, finger rings, bracelets, bangles, neck chain or any kind of tattoo is not allowed. Girls can wear only small earrings.
Jewellery: Any kind of jewellery, face painting or tattoos are not allowed.
Nails: Nails should be trimmed once a week. Nail paint is not allowed.
Nails: Nails should be trimmed once a week.


  • Students should wear clean and properly ironed uniform. Shoes should be clean and well-polished.
  • Students must have a valid identity card (RF id  card) issued by school throughout their presence in school and during all outdoor activities of the school.
  • Sports uniform with white canvas shoes should be worn on days with Physical Education.
  • In winters students must wear blue jacket with white stripe prescribed by school and as available in school store.


Students are expected to be punctual. Students who come late for school should immediately report to the


 It is allowed in school premises. No boisterous games should be played at any time. Washrooms are expected to be kept clean and tidy. After use, the doors of the washrooms should be closed.


Students are expected to be polite and respectful both in speech as well as in action. Students have to be kind and cordial with their classmates and

 Books and stationery: 

Students should bring the necessary stationery items, rough note book, student’s log book and books as per schedule


Students should not harm property of school. Students should keep their desks and classrooms tidy. Chewing gum is strictly prohibited.

Once a child is admitted

it becomes obligatory on him to abide by the School’s Discipline Code. The school believes in decorum and proper discipline.

Types of Indiscipline
Reporting late to school
Verbal warning and parental contact.

Written warning and undertaking by parent.

Out of Uniform
Counseling in classroom on importance of uniform.

Verbal warning.

Parental contact.

Undertaking from parent.

Leave without intimation/prior approval
Parental contact.

Assign additional task related to class.

Undertaking from parent.

Damage of school property
Once a written statement or damage is obtained from the concerned authority, parent will be intimated; cost of item will be assessed by maintenance department and will be imposed.

Undertaking from parent.


Misbehaving with teacher/ classmate.

Disturbing the class.

Using abusive language.

Disobeying instructions of bus in-charge/ attendant.

Shouting loudly and behaving rudely in school premises.

Damaging belongings of peer.

Bullying the children.

Giving presentation in class on a given topic.

Verbal warning followed by parental contact.


Detention from co-curricular activities.

Undertaking from parent.

Change of section.

Possession of prohibited material e.g. mobile phone, CDs, fire cracker etc.
Item will be confiscated and will be returned after taking undertaking from parents.


Expulsion from activities.


Cheating in Examination. Altering the grades or forging parent’s signature. Possession of items known to be stolen.

Counseling, Parental contact and undertaking.

In case of a) and b) deduction of marks in respective subject.


  • To get best from school parents/ guardians are earnestly requested to cooperate with the school by paying attention to their wards regularity, punctuality, discipline and neatness.
  • Students are not allowed to go home during school hours. In case of an emergency permission must be taken from the principal.
  • Parents are requested to inform the school immediately about any change of address or telephone number immediately.
  • Parents are requested to ensure that the birthday celebration of their ward is strictly confined to his/her classroom and that too only distribution of sweets to ensure uniformity.
  • In case of an infectious disease at your home please report the matter at once to the school.
  • Parent-teacher interactions are essential for better coordination between the school and the home environment of the child. Parents are requested to meet teachers on the scheduled open day. They are requested to respect the allotted time.
  • Please ensure that the identity card is worn by your ward every day.